Naing Tun Aung knew he was lucky: he had his first hearing aids fitted when he was 7 years old when the charity visited his school. He remembers the first time they squirted the cold paste into his ears and having to sit still until it was ready to be taken out. They explained it was to make his own earmoulds to work with his hearing aids. Then the special paste was taken away and a few weeks later Naing Tun...
Mandalay School for the Deaf supports World Hearing Day 2021 Much is happening in the world just now. After many years of improving engagement with the rest of the world, Myanmar has been thrown into turmoil by the imposition of military rule following the recent democratically held elections. We send our friends and colleagues in both Mandalay and Yangon our support and best wishes for their safety and well-being. We hope for a peaceful resolution of the current situation so that...