Mandalay School for the Deaf supports World Hearing Day 2021
Much is happening in the world just now. After many years of improving engagement with the rest of the world, Myanmar has been thrown into turmoil by the imposition of military rule following the recent democratically held elections. We send our friends and colleagues in both Mandalay and Yangon our support and best wishes for their safety and well-being. We hope for a peaceful resolution of the current situation so that dedicated doctors, teachers and audiologists can resume and continue their vital work to support the education and health of those with hearing impairment, particularly children.
Also, the health of the world has been dominated over the past year by COVID-19. This makes it even more vital that other health issues that cause enormous disease burden are not forgotten. For many years World Hearing Day on 3rd March has been an important opportunity for people around the globe to spread the word about the impact of hearing loss and what can be done to reduce the burden.
In 2021 the World Hearing Day theme is:
Hearing care for ALL!
Screen. Rehabilitate. Communicate
The key messages target:
Policy makers
- The number of people living with unaddressed hearing loss and ear diseases is unacceptable.
- Timely action is needed to prevent and address hearing loss across the life course.
- Investing in cost effective interventions will benefit people with hearing loss and bring financial gains to the society.
- Integrate person-centred ear and hearing care within national health plans for universal health coverage.
General public
- Good hearing and communication are essential at all stages of life.
- Hearing loss (and related ear diseases) can be avoided through preventative actions such as protection against loud sounds; good ear care practices and immunization.
- Hearing loss (and related ear diseases) can be addressed when it is identified in a timely manner and appropriate care sought.
- People at risk of hearing loss should check their hearing regularly.
- People having hearing loss (or related ear diseases) should seek care from a health care provider.
The World Report on Hearing
This year World Hearing Day also marks the publication of the first-ever World Report on Hearing, by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Through the World Report on Hearing, the WHO wants to sensitize policymakers to the importance of the sense of hearing at every stage of life, from cradle to grave. Good hearing and communication are key to our social interactions, educational pursuits, employment potential, and to our overall wellbeing. Preventative care and timely interventions for EHC are already available and their implementation can bring substantial cost benefits to countries. They should be integrated into national health plans and programs to ensure that people are aware of them and that they are accessible to all.
The World Report on Hearing will provide a consistent narrative on:
• WHY ear and hearing care is important?
• WHAT is ear and hearing care?
• HOW can countries integrate ear and hearing care accessible into national health plans for universal health coverage?
You can view the FULL World Hearing Day campaign by the World Health Organisation HERE.