We have hitherto worked primarily in partnership with two schools in Mandalay and
Yangon to provide equipment, training, medical staff and volunteers.
More information about the very moving story behind this charity can be found here.
Since its foundation in 2015, the Mandalay School for the Deaf has:
The political situation in Myanmar makes it impossible for the charity to work there at present, although we understand that both schools are still functioning.
To ensure the charity can continue its work of helping deaf children, the objects of the charity have been amended to enable it to work in a broader geographical area. We are now able to support projects in the region more generally, including Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, and Thailand.
Currently, we are pleased to be funding a team from Brighton and Sussex Medical School, working in partnership with the Refugee Crisis Foundation as they work with Rohingya refugees who have escaped Myanmar and are now living in the Kutupalong Camp in Bangladesh.
We are dedicated to improving the quality of life for deaf children in Myanmar