At the invitation of Professor Khin Khin Phyu Dr Robin Youngs and Dr Rory Herdman spent time in the ENT Department of the University of Medicine, Mandalay. They were able to deliver lectures and tutorials to trainees and undertake surgery on patients with complicated ear and sinus problems. This visit was part of a long term partnership between UK and Myanmar ENT doctors going back to 2002. ...
The Mandalay School for the Deaf Charity in partnership with The Myanmar Ministry of Social Welfare and Resettlement and The ENT Department of The University of Medicine, Mandalay organised a workshop in Deaf Education and Hearing Rehabilitation attended by 120 delegates over two days. This highly successful event was attended by teachers, doctors, parents and members of the deaf community. The workshop was officially opened by Daw Thandar Htwe, The Head of Disability from the Ministry of Social Welfare. The...
In November 2018 teams from Mandalay School for the Deaf Charity traveled to Myanmar to work with their colleagues in both the Yangon and Mandalay Schools for the Deaf. They were joined by colleagues from the Hear the World Foundation. In a very busy two weeks much was achieved. All the new intake into both the schools had detailed hearing assessments and 78 new hearing aids were fitted. Special attention was paid to addressing the problems of ear mould fitting. ...